Venue Applications for the 2022 festival are now open.

Please fill out the form below and hit the ‘Submit Application’ button to send your venue application for consideration. A copy of your application will also be sent to the email address you supply below.


    Primary Contact Person

    (Owner, Manager or authorised representative)

    Secondary Contact Person

    (In case of unavailability of the Primary Contact Person)

    Venue Links

    Venue photo

    Used on the festival website to represent your venue. Please do not include typography or logos.
    Please provide a address where we can download a suitable photo.


    Our 2022 festival will run from Thursday 10 February through Sunday 13 February. We need to know when to schedule music for you. It doesn’t need to be every day of the four-day program – it can be as many or as few days as you think will work best for your business. Please indicate, using the fields below, which days you would like to host music and what times you’d like the music to start and finish on the chosen day/s:





    Acts (required)

    Type of acts suited to your venue’s space/s (eg. Solo/duo acoustic, Trio, full bands of four or more players, quieter music, louder, a mix of both):

    FYI: The artists who are performing at your venue are paid directly by our participating host venues upon completion of their performance. Among the reasons for this is the importance of transparency – the venues know where their entertainment dollar is going and the artists know where their remuneration is coming from – with no room for speculation or doubt.

    Proposed Budget (required)

    Proposed budget to pay artists and production, by your venue:

    If you wish to impose a door charge to help recover costs (on top of what you’d make from selling drinks, meals, etc.), please indicate your suggested price:


    Is your venue able to provide complimentary accommodation for one or more musicians for the Festival weekend?


    Please note:
    Participating venues who are unable to provide accommodation to at least one musician for the weekend will be subject to an accommodation levy, proportionate to the venues budget, per day of hosting music on our program.


    By applying to participate as a host venue on the program of Bendigo Blues & Roots Music Festival, you not only agree to pay our artists, in cash, on the day of their performance, but to provide complimentary meals and a drink or two to each of our visiting acts and any production crew who are working at your venue for more than a 3-hour stretch.

    It is of the utmost importance that the staff and management of our host venues ensure a safe and welcoming environment for performers and the audiences who attend to enjoy the music on our program. No customer of your venue, intoxicated or otherwise, should be allowed to impede the performance being staged or the interfere with the audience’s enjoyment thereof.

    Communication of these and other pertinent points to your frontline staff is vital for the partnership between your venue and our festival to succeed.