The answers to 17 questions with Chris DeAraugo.
Full name:
Chris DeAraugo
Born in:
First musical instrument played:
Other occupation apart from music:
Community Banking with Bendigo Bank
Biggest influence on music career:
The family is very musical, starting with dad and the whole family tinkering away at music in someway or another – first musical influence Normie Rowe (thanks to my sister), then the Beatles.
Favourite Bendigo musician:
My son Joshua DeAraugo – he is so musical and plays every instrument with great feel.
Favourite World musician:
Paul McCartney – love the way he plays and sings (so musical) and he can write a decent song. Amazing bass player, beautiful acoustic guitarist and would be amazing to meet.
Three dream dinner guests:
Paul McCartney, John Mayer and my wife so she could help me remember my name and tell me I wasn’t dreaming.
Describe yourself in three words:
Enthusiastic, persistent and music-loving.
Describe your music style in a sentence:
Melodic and blues based.
Favourite song of all time:
Imagine (John Lennon). The melody, the lyric and the simplicity of the production – basically piano and vocal. A perfect song that can work in so many ways.
If you had one wish for the world what would it be?
Stop people playing the ‘My God Is Better Than Your God” game.
Why are you excited to play the Bendigo Blues & Roots Music Festival?
I love Bendigo, I love music, I love the blues and we need a good festival like this – we all need to support it.
If you could jam with any one musician who would it be?
John Mayer.
Best gig:
Played support to AC/DC in 1975 just as they were making it. Loved doing the City Club in the late 80s.
Favourite venue to play:
Any place that has a crowd that enjoys some blues and good music. Beer gardens are good.
What’s the worst song request you’ve been hit with?
Was recently asked for some rap type song (can’t remember the name) during an acoustic set.