Where do you hail from originally and how did you first get into music?
I grew up in a mining town in W.A called Port Hedland. It gave me such a wonderful start in life because it was a very carefree up bringing for me. My dad is a singer and bass player so from an early age we were always listening to good music like The Police and Clapton, although I didn’t really start singing until high school. Even before that dad always made sure there were all sorts of instruments around the house just in case we wanted to pick one up, and I eventually picked the guitar! I still play that same guitar now days.
How did you first make a connection with the Bendigo Blues & Roots Music Festival?
I think Colin Thompson saw me perform with Josh Owen, who is a regular on the Bendigo music scene and a ridiculously talented guy. Then I went to Bendigo and played a fun little show at The Basement Bar. Its fantastic to see a town so connected to music so I cant wait to play there again!
Can you outline a few of the major festivals you’ve played and some of your achievements in music in recent years?
To me my two major achievements would be my C.Ds. My first EP ‘Before the After’ came out in 2009 and is still selling well. My latest, an album titled ‘Geography’ came out last year. They have both been really well received. Last year I was lucky to play at Red Deer Festival which was a sold out event. Then I was over the moon to be excepted into the Woodford Folk Festival that year also. I’ve always wanted to pay there and it was such a perfect experience.
Have you played on anything like the Bendigo Blues Tram before?
When I played at Woodford I performed on the ‘Mystery Bus’, although it wasn’t moving at the time! It was a bus hidden behind barriers that people would line up at to see a mystery performer play some tunes. So you might see an up coming artist or you might see John Butler! I’m so excited to play the Blues Tram as this will mark my debut in a moving vehicle:-)
How would you describe your music style?
I would call it Folk/Blues. I tend to write folk but sing blues.
Where are you living at the moment?
I live in sunny Brisbane! Its a wonderful place to live; great weather, lovely people and we have a nice little music scene happening too.
Hailey Calvert will be part of the program for Bendigo Blues & Roots Music Festival in 2013